
Can I get life insurance if I have pre-existing conditions?

Life Insurance Pre-Existing Conditions

Life insurance is a critical but underutilized tool for protecting a family’s financial stability. But if you already have an existing medical condition, you may be unsure whether you can obtain a life insurance policy.

Still, a pre-existing condition doesn’t completely disqualify you from traditional life insurance. I recently discussed how to qualify for life insurance if you have a pre-existing condition with Ronda Lee from Insider.

The article discusses several points regarding life insurance with an existing condition. These points include:

  • The use of independent agents.
    • Independent agents generally have a better understanding of how companies underwrite differently. These agents will know which companies are more flexible and liberal with their underwriting.
  • The two types of no medical exam life insurance.
    • These types include Guaranteed Issue and Simplified Issue.

Read the article here for a more comprehensive understanding of this issue.

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