Mark Williams working on laptop at home

“Nobody follows a leader who only talks the talk. Either lead the way or get out of the way.”


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Mentorship, Personal Branding and Sales Tips That Work

I think one of the weakest links in the sales process for most agents is follow-up. As a salesperson, we make assumptions about our customers and act on those assumptions without asking people what they need or want. But if you don’t call your customers, someone else will.


My Industry Chat with Terry McGrath – Using Media to Solve Business Problems

Here’s a taste of what my interview with Terry covered: “Frankly, a lot of data is dirty. Everybody thinks data is the solution and the nirvana and therefore they can drop basic best practices of really doing advertising correctly. It’s really stimulated short-term-itis for many companies. Data is an important variable not the only variable.”


The Benefits of Starting a Mentorship Program

A mentor is a helping hand, offering quality advice that’s honest and constructive. In other words, they share knowledge and provide a perspective you may not have, and can be a powerful and trustworthy resource.


Save the Millennials (From Savings)

A study found that 66% of the millennials surveyed are more confident using savings accounts than workplace retirement plans, tax-advantaged plans, or real estate.